
BuddyPress helps you to build an online community of engaged, active users. We have integrated the BuddyPress plugin with our Courselog theme.

Plugin installation #

First of all, you have to install the BuddyPress plugin from the org. Go to the Plugins -> Add New -> Search the plugin and install it. Also, you can install the plugin from the ORG LINK directly. Now activate the plugin.

BuddyPress Settings #

Activate components #

Go to Settings -> BuddyPress -> Components -> Select all Components and Save changes.

Select Template Pack #

Now go to BuddyPress -> Options and select Template Pack “BuddyPress Legacy” and Save Changes.

BuddyPress Elementor widgets #

In our theme, we have built some Elementor widgets to display BuddyPress Members, Groups, Topics, Notifications, and Unread Messages.

BuddyPress Group #

BuddyPress Topic #

BuddyPress Member #

BuddyPress Notifications #

BuddyPress Unread Messages #

Note: For more detilas about the BuddyPress, please check the BuddyPress official documentation from this LINK.

Also, You can check our demo widgets for BuddyPress from this LINK.

What are your feelings
Updated on December 1, 2022