Edit Hero Area #
To edit the home page content, log in to your WordPress dashboard and click on pages. Find out the page you want to edit and then click on ‘Edit with Elementor’. Settings Key – Dashboard -> Pages -> Edit with Elementor. Note- If you log in and view the home page, you can get ‘Edit with Elementor’ from the top of the page.

Once the Elementor finish loading, click on the title or other components that you want to update. Check left side bar Elementor settings panel. You will get the options to change content.

If you want to change the background video, click on edit section -> navigator -> section. And then check the left sidebar settings panel. Change the video link from ‘Video Link’. Click on the update before closing the tab.

Edit Welcome Area #
To edit the welcome area, click on the title or description and check Elementor settings panel.

Edit Food Category #
Food category comes from the WooCommerce products category. So if you want to add a new category, please go to products from WordPress dashboard and create a new category under products. From the available food category, you can add/remove the category with Elementor. Key: WordPress dashboard -> Products -> Categories ->Add new category

Edit Product Menu #
Food items come from WooCommerce products. If you want to add a new product, go to products from the WordPress dashboard and add a new product. Carefully select the category for each product. Now, to change food menu items (products), Click to the top of the menu and check the left side Elementor settings panel. Click slider -> select category -> Tab title and tab category icon.

Change Food Locations #
To add a new food location, please go to products from WordPress dashboard and create a new food location under products. From the available food location, you can add/remove the category with Elementor. Key: WordPress dashboard -> Products -> Food Locations -> New Food location name

Add Reservation Form #
Cafesio uses WPCafe widgets to add reservation forms. From the Elementor widgets, drag and drop WPCafe widgets to the reservation place. To edit the form title, click on the title, and the edit option will be available on the left side.

Cafesio Elementor Widgets #
Under the Elementor widgets, you will find the Cafesio widgets along with other widgets. Simple drag and drop the widgets and customize it.

Cafesio with WPCafe #
In order to use WPCafe widgets in Cafesio theme, go to edit with Elementor, then under the WPCafe menu, check the widgets list and drop it to the place you wants. After that update the content.

If you want to set food menu, reservation and other detail about a cafe website, please visit our WPCafe documentation by clicking following button.