SureTriggers is an automation platform that helps people make various workflows based on triggers and actions. By utilizing SureTriggers integration with your Eventin events, you can—
- Automate event updates.
- Collect and store event data on other platforms.
In this article, we will explain how to connect Eventin and SureTriggers. For this, it requires two methods to follow-
- 🔗 Connecting SureTriggers and Pass Data.
- 🔌 Automating Data Storing.
Connecting SureTriggers and Data Passing- #
To integrate Eventin with SureTriggers, go to your WordPress site Dashboard > Select SureTriggers plugin from the left sidebar.
A new dashboard will open like this. Click on Workflows-
A new pop-up form will appear. Name the workflow and select ´Start Building →´
Now, click on ´Add Trigger´ to connect to Eventin.
Search and select ´Eventin´ from the right sidebar.
Here, select for what type of you want to automate the system. Let´s select ´Attendee Update´ to get automated updates about the events when any changes in attendee information occur.
Once you select an Event, (e.g.-Attendee update) a new webhook URL link will generate. Copy it for later use.
Now go to your site´s Eventin webhook settings. Here are the steps on how you can access this-
- Head over to your site dashboard.
- Select ´Eventin´ from the left sidebar.
- Select ´Setting´.
- Go to ´Advance´> ´Webhook´.
- Click on ´Add new´ to create a new webhook.
Here, follow the steps to create your first webhook for the integration-
- Give a suitable name for the Webhook.
- Select ´Active´ to activate it.
- Select for which topic you want to pass information.
- Paste the URL that you copied earlier here.
- We can skip the other two steps and choose ´Save Changes´.
Now, go to Site Attendees from the same site and select ´Edit´ on any attendee´s list to test the integration.
Change the attendee´s information and update it from the right ´Update´ button.
Let’s say, you changed a speaker´s name or updated any other information. You will automatically get the updated data on your SureTriggers site whenever any action is taken.
For this, let´s go to Speakers from your site dashboard and select ´Edit´–
Now, change the name or any other information you want, and select the ´Update´ button located on the top right corner of your screen.
Once updated, go to the SureTriggers tab. Here, you can see it is showing the updates you have made. This means the webhook is working correctly.
So, let’s ´Save´ it and move forward.
Automate Data Storing #
Now, whenever you receive any update, you can automatically store your Eventin event updates on your favorite platform or a particular file.
Here, click on the plus icon to automate the data storing system–
Let’s say you want to store the data on Google Sheets. So, let´s search and select it from the list.
Select for which event you want to store the data for!
Select the suitable email address on which you want to store the data.
Now, complete the process by proceeding with ´Continue´.
Once including the email address on the platform is done, go back to your site´s dashboard and select the newly added email ID from the list.
Now, select the Spreadsheet file where you want to pass data and select in which format you want to make it.
Then a new list of columns with ID, Date, and Day name will automatically be created on the sidebar.
Notes: Type ´@´ on each box to add the data to your Google Sheets.
Save that action and it will require a test before running the action.
Click on Test and Save again once done.
From now on, all your speaker updates or any other update data will automatically get saved on that particular Google sheet file.
Similarly, you can add multiple triggers of action from SureTriggers for your Eventin events, save that trigger as a draft, and even Publish it instantly by clicking on the ´Publish´ button.
Thus, you can integrate SureTriggers to transform your Eventin Data into any app you want.