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Event Location

Event Location in Eventin WordPress Booking Plugin #

Sharing event location is one of the most compulsory elements in event details of an event website. It offers clarity, increases engagement, and lets audiences join your events offline without any struggles.

In Eventin plugin, there are two options to add event location. You can add and view event locations through Event locations on Google Maps or manually.

Note: If you want to use existing locations and Google Maps features, you need to use Eventin Pro version.

Step-1 #

For google map enable, navigate to Eventin -> Settings> Integrations -> Google Map -> Enable map option and Enter the Google key.

Step-2 #

After inserting the Google key, go to the Eventin -> Event -> Event Locations. Then add the location name, address, Email, Latitude, and Longitude and click on add new location.

Frontend view for Google location:

Front view:

Elementor Widgets: #

In Eventin Pro, for displaying event location, you can use the Eventin location list widgets.

Front-end view:

Shortcode:(Pro) #

You can also use a shortcode to show the Event location list.