Recurring Event

Create Recurring Events in WP Eventin Event Manager. #

Recurring events are events that occur on a repeated schedule. You don’t need to create an event again and again. You can simply create these events once and set them on automatic repeated schedules. Recurring events are ideal for activities that happen regularly, such as training classes, regular sessions, monthly events, and recurring conferences.

You can create recurring events based on a daily recurrence, weekly recurrence, monthly recurrence, bi-monthly, first day of every month, yearly twice time, etc. Before moving to the ‘how to documentation, let us share a few technical words. Please read this carefully so that you can create the recurring event perfectly.

  • Parent Event: Parent Event is the main event you will create. This event will take your input and create Individual recurring events. It will hold all the common information. Also, the parent event will be displayed as individual event on the front/display page. Warning- Whenever you will edit your parent event, it will affect all the recurrence events. You can detach any individual recurrence event if you want them to be not changed.
  • Detach Event: Detach is an option to remove an individual recurrence event from the parent. If you detach any recurrence event from its parent, then the recurrence event will act as a single independent event. And you will be unable to attach this event to your parents again. So, carefully detach the recurrence event if needed.
  • Recurrence Event: The recurrence event is the individual recurrence and it’s generated from the parent event. Based on the way you set the logic from the parent event, the individual recurrence event will be created.
Eventin recurring Events update
  • Starting and Ending Date: In case of a recurrence event, starting and ending date is a must. You must have to set starting and ending dates. Starting date will work as the recurrence starting day and the ending date will count as the last date of the recurrence. Starting and ending date is not always a recurrence date as the recurrence will be created based on your given logic.
  • Starting Time and End Time: You need to set the Event starting and End time from here. Also, don’t forget to set the time zone.
  • Recurrence Interval: The delay between two recurrence events is called the recurrence interval. Let’s say, you have 30-day full event and you set 5 days recurrence interval then the individual recurrence event will be 6. But if you select 10 days as a recurrent interval then the individual recurrence will be 3.

Recurrence Interval #

The recurrence interval is the duration of each recurrence event. The span can be single or multiple days.

Recurring Events Single Day

If you want all of your individual single events will be single-day duration then select a single-day interval. Once you update the event, all of your individual event duration will be 1 day. This means individual recurrence, under parent event will be the event day.

If you want all of your individual single event’s duration will be more than one day, then you can set a multiple-day interval. If you set 2 or more days as a recurrence interval that means each recurrence event will be 2 or more days long.

🔹 Note: Interval is the number of days between two recurrence events but recurrence span is the duration (in days) for each event. For example, if your interval is 5 days and the span is 2 days, each recurrence event will be created after every 5 days and will be 2 days long.

Parent Event & Recurring Event Condition #

A recurring event is created based on the logic that you set. According to your logic, the recurrent event will be created on the same day as the parent event if the date of the recurring event falls on the same date as the parent event.

The parent event is a template for you to edit all of your recurring events as mentioned above. The parent event is NOT the first event for the series of events you created. The first recurring event is the first event for your timeline. If you want the starting date to be the first event date, then set your recurring event condition to match the date of the first recurring event.

🔹 Note: Do not confuse the parent event date with the first day of the event. It is the first date from which the condition for the recurring event will occur.

Daily Recurrence #

You can set a daily recurrence where the event will repeat daily based on your settings. You can repeat the event one day, two days, three days or any day interval. Please go to the Eventin from the dashboard and click on the event. After that click on ‘Add New’ and update all the necessary event details. In the middle area of the event, you will get the ‘Recurring event’ toggle button. Click the button and it will open the recurrence details. Select daily and then set the “Recurrence Interval” and “Each recurrence spans for” and then fill up the rest information. Publish the event and all the recurrences will be displayed at the event section.

  • Daily Recurring Event Settings Key: Eventin -> Event -> Add New -> Recurring event -> Event will repeat -> Recurrence Interval – Ends -> Publish/update.
Recurring Events Single Day

Weekly Recurrence #

Similar to the daily recurrence, you can set weekly recurrence for your event. For weekly recurrence, you will need to select the weekday from the settings. Based on your needs, you can select multiple weekdays.

  • Weekly Recurring Event Settings Key: Eventin -> Event -> Add New -> Recurring event -> Event will repeat -> On (Week day) -> Each recurrence spans for -> Ends -> Publish/update.
Recurring Events Weekly

Monthly Recurrence #

Similar to the weekly event recurrence, you can set monthly recurrence. In order to set monthly recurrence, you will need to set the date of each month. The rest of the settings are as simple as the other recurrence settings are.

  • Monthly Recurring Event Settings Key: Eventin -> Event -> Add New -> Recurring event -> Event will repeat -> On the date of -> Each recurrence spans for -> Ends -> Publish/update.
Recurring Events Monthly

Monthly-Advanced Recurrence #

If you need to start an event on a specific day of any particular week, the Monthly-Advanced Recurrence option is a convenient choice. To utilize this feature, follow the same process as you did for the Monthly Recurrence. You just need to select the specific month and the week (such as 1st week, 2nd week, etc.) and the day of the week on which the event will be repeated every month.

  • Monthly Recurring Event Settings Key: Eventin -> Event -> Add New -> Recurring event -> Event will repeat (Monthly-Advanced) -> On Every (1st, 2nd, etc.) -> On the (Week number, and the day of the week) -> Each recurrence duration for Day(s) -> Ends -> Publish/update.

Yearly Recurrence #

You can set yearly recurrence as the other recurrence settings are. But for the yearly recurrence, you will need to select both months of the year and the date of the month.

  • Monthly Recurring Event Settings Key: Eventin -> Event -> Add New -> Recurring event -> Event will repeat -> In the month of -> On the date of -> Each recurrence spans for -> Ends -> Publish/update.
Recurring Events Yearly

Edit/Update Parent Recurrence #

You can edit all the recurring individuals from the parents. Simply go to the events section and find out the parent event and edit the event as per your requirement. Don’t forget to update the page. And remember, each time you edit the parent event, it will affect all the individual recurrence events. Be very careful while updating the parent event. You can also update all the recurrence information with ‘Edit All Recurrences’ options from the individual recurrence.

Important Note- If you update the logic of the recurrence then it will create all new recurrences as expected. Besides this, all old recurrences will be deleted from the event list EXCEPT expired events. Example- Let’s say, you have a recurrence parent with 5 recurrences under the parent. You are changing the recurring logic while you have 2 expired recurrences. In that case, after updating the parent, the expired 2 recurrences will be the same as they are.

  • Edit Parent Event Settings Key: Eventin -> Events -> Parent Events -> Edit -> Update

Check All The Recurrence #

If you want to check all the recurrences, then go to parent event and click on ‘View all recurrences’. Full list of individual recurrences will be displayed on a new screen. See Full Recurrence List Key: Eventin -> Events -> Parent Events -> View all recurrences

Edit/Update Individual Recurring Events #

You can update an individual recurrence from the events section. Please go to events and find out the recurrence you want to update. Click on ‘Edit’ and then update as like as you want.

  • Edit Individual Event Settings Key: Eventin -> Events -> Individual Events -> Edit -> Update

Individual recurrence registration deadline: You can set the registration deadline for all individual recurrence events under the parent event. This feature is allowing you to set the registration deadline of each individual recurrence one by one. In order to do it, please go to your targeted individual recurrence and edit the event. Scroll down and at the bottom area, you will get these options.

How Recurrence Looks on Front End #

The front page of the recurring events contains all the information you have given to the parent event. Also, it contains the recurrence along with ticket options. If you keep the event pricing FREE, still the recurrence will be available at the event page. Note- the following image is showing only the recurrence part demo.

  • Go To : Eventin -> Event -> View

Check Selling Report #

Want to check the ticket-selling report? Please go to the Individual recurrence event and click on edit. Once the editable window opens, scroll down and at the bottom of the page, you will get the report.

  • Check Selling Report Key: Eventin -> Events -> Individual Recurrence Event -> Edit -> Scroll to bottom

If you are WPEventin PRO user, you will get extra and beautiful report options in the plugin menu. The report will give you extra facilities like checking full details at a glance, shorting and searching the event. Individual recurrence events and many more.

  • Check Selling Report Key (PRO): Eventin -> Report

Check out our detailed video tutorial on ‘How to create a recurring event for free with WP Eventin’