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How to Create RSVP in Eventin

The following guide is going to show you how to create an RSVP event for a single event management system.

RSVP Module Enable #

First of all, go to Eventin -> Add-ons and enable the RSVP Module.

Create RSVP Event #

When you create an event, you will get an option for RSVP settings at the bottom of the Event creating page. Go to the Events – > Create or edit an Event -> RSVP -> and enable the RSVP option.

  1. RSVP response type– You can enable the RSVP form types option and also set the response types Going, Not Going, and Maybe options from here.
  2. Display attendee list– If you want, you can display the Attendee list for the individual RSVP event page.
  3. Display form only for Logged users– Display RSVP forms only to users who are logged in on your event site.
  4. Limit RSVP attendee capacity– You can set the attendee limit of how many attendees you want to allow at your event.
  5. Disable Purchase Form- If you don’t want to sell your event ticket, you can disable the selling form for the RSVP event.

RSVP form on the front end

Limit RSVP Attendee Capacity #

You can set the attendee limit of how many attendees you want to allow at your event.