Shortcodes Builder #
WPCafe offers you shortcode builder which is a unique feature among similar plugins. Shortcode builder offers you hassle-free shortcode generation from the settings. You can choose the correct options from all the available options and generate the shortcode. Let’s see how you can do it technically.
First, log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to WpCafe -> Settings -> Available shortcode.
You will see a list of available shortcode builders. Click any of them from the serial and a pop-up will appear on the screen. Select your content from each option. Once you are happy with all the selections, click on generate. It will generate a shortcode for you. Now copy and paste it to the page.
Note: WPCafe has a lot of shortcodes for the users. We are going to explore the shortcodes one by one in the following area.
Food Category Style #
[wpc_pro_menu_category_list style='style1' wpc_food_categories='15,16' grid_column='4']
- Change style
- style=’style1 to 4′
- category_limit=’20’ [note : Category limit works when category ids is not selected]
- hide_empty = ‘yes or no’ [note : Category limit works when category ids is not selected]
- show_count= “yes or no”
- grid_column=’3′
Food Menu List #
[wpc_food_menu_list wpc_food_categories='15,16,21,18,17,20,21' no_of_product='5' wpc_cart_button ='no' product_thumbnail ='yes' wpc_menu_order='DESC' wpc_show_desc='yes' wpc_desc_limit='20' title_link_show='yes' show_item_status='yes']
[wpc_pro_food_menu_list style='style-1' wpc_food_categories='16,21,18,17,20' live_search ='no']
- Change style
- style=’style1 to 4′
- ‘wpc_food_categories’ = ‘ Enter your category ID ‘
- ‘show_thumbnail’ = ‘yes or no’,
- ‘no_of_product’ = Enter your product number how much product you want to show,
- ‘live_search’ = ‘yes or no’
- ‘show_item_status’ = ‘yes or no’
- ‘title_link_show’ = ‘yes or no’
- ‘wpc_cart_button’ = ‘yes or no’
- ‘wpc_delivery_time_show’ = ‘yes or no’
- ‘wpc_show_desc’ = ‘yes or no’
- ‘wpc_desc_limit’ = ‘Enter your description limit in word number’
- ‘wpc_menu_order’ = ‘DESC or ASC’
- ‘wpc_menu_col’ = ‘Enter your column Number’
Food Menu Tab #
[wpc_pro_food_menu_tab style='style-1' wpc_food_categories='16,17,18' no_of_product='6' wpc_cart_button ='yes' title_link_show='yes']
- Change style
- style=’style1 to 4′
- ‘wpc_food_categories’ = ‘ Enter your category ID’s’
- no_of_product=’Enter your product number’
- ‘show_thumbnail’ = “yes or no”
- ‘wpc_menu_col’ = ‘ Enter your column number’
- wpc_cart_button =’yes/no’
- title_link_show=’yes/no’
- ‘wpc_show_desc’ = ‘yes or no’
- ‘wpc_desc_limit’ = ‘Enter your description limit in word number’
- ‘live_search’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_delivery_time_show’= ‘yes/no’
- ‘show_item_status’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_btn_text’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_menu_order’ = ‘DESC or ASC’
- ‘wpc_nav_position’ = ‘top/bottom/right/left’
- ‘customize_btn’ = ‘ Select Now’
Food Menu Tab With Slider #
[wpc_pro_menu_tab_with_slider style='style-1' wpc_menu_count='20' wpc_slider_count='3' wpc_food_categories='16,17,18,19,20' live_search ='no'']
- Change style
- style=’style1 to 4′
- ‘wpc_food_categories’ = ‘ Enter category ID’s’
- wpc_menu_count=’Enter your menu number’
- wpc_slider_count=’Enter your product number’
- wpc_cart_button =’yes/no’
- live_search=’yes/no’
- ‘show_thumbnail’ = “yes/no”
- ‘title_link_show’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_menu_col’ = ‘Enter your column number’
- ‘wpc_show_desc’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_desc_limit’ = ‘Enter your description limit in word number’
- ‘wpc_delivery_time_show’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_slider_nav_show’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_slider_dot_show’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘show_item_status’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_btn_text’ = ‘Enter your button text’
Food Menu Slider #
[wpc_pro_menu_slider style='style-1' wpc_menu_count='20' wpc_slider_count='3' wpc_food_categories='16,17,18,19,20' wpc_cart_button ='no' live_search ='no' title_link_show='no']
- Change style
- style=’style1 to 3′
- ‘wpc_food_categories’ = ‘Enter your category ID’s’
- wpc_menu_count=’Enter your menu number’
- wpc_slider_count=’Enter your product number’
- wpc_cart_button =’yes/no’
- live_search=’yes/no’
- ‘show_thumbnail’ = “yes/no”
- ‘wpc_menu_order’ = “DESC Or ASC”
- ”title_link_show’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_show_desc’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_desc_limit’ = ‘Enter your description limit in word number’
- ‘wpc_delivery_time_show’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_slider_nav_show’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_slider_dot_show’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘show_item_status’ = ‘yes/no’
Food Menu Load more #
[wpc_pro_food_menu_loadmore style='style-1' wpc_food_categories='16,17,18,19,20' wpc_menu_count='4']
- Change style
- style=’style1 to 4′
- ‘wpc_food_categories’ = ‘ Enter your category ID’s’
- wpc_menu_count=’Enter your menu number’
- wpc_cart_button =’yes/no’
- live_search=’yes/no’
- ‘show_thumbnail’ = “yes/no”
- ‘wpc_menu_order’ = “DESC or ASC”
- ‘wpc_cart_button’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘title_link_show’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_show_desc’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘wpc_desc_limit’ = ‘Enter your description limit in word number’
- ‘wpc_delivery_time_show’ = ‘yes/no’
- ‘show_item_status’ = ‘yes/no’
Live Search #
You can add live search with any shortcode.
[live_search ='yes' ]
Location List #
[wpc_pro_menu_location_list style='style1' location_ids='', show_count='no' grid_column='3']
- Change style
- style=’style1-4′
- location_ids=’Enter Location Ids’
- location_limit=’Enter your limit number’ [note : Location limit works when location ids is not selected]
- show_count=’yes/no’
- grid_column=’Enter your column number’
Reservation Form #
[wpc_reservation_form wpc_image_url='' calender_view = 'yes']