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How to Submit Events from the Front End in Eventin

Front-end Event Submission on WP Eventin #

With front-end event submission, you can grant access to various people in various positions to submit events, speakers and schedules on your website. Authorized users can submit events, speakers and schedules from the front end of their own dedicated panel on your website.

  • You can allow your own team members to submit their events
  • You can allow your own team members to submit their speakers
  • You can allow your own team members to submit their Schedule
  • Your team member can check the individual attendees
  • Your team member can manage the ticket for their event
  • Your team member can use a front-end ticket scanner
  • You can manage the events site in a secure way

Important Note:

“Front-end event submission feature at Eventin” allows your own organization’s people (team members, friends, and family) to create and manage events, speakers and schedules . You need to create a user’s account to allow them.

However, Front-end event submission is not multivendor functionality by any means. If you want to use multivendor functionality, such as allowing anyone to register and submit events, then you can use the Dokan multivendor plugin. With a multivendor website, you can get a profit share from each vendor and manage them too.

Front-End Event Submission #

We assume you have already installed and activated both Eventin and Eventin Pro on your website. In order to get the front-end event submission feature, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Important Note: Front-end event submission is a premium feature that requires Eventin Pro. You will not be able to use the feature without Eventin Pro.

Generate and Use Shortcode #

The first step toward front-end event, speaker and shcedule submission is to generate a shortcode. It’s nothing but simple steps. Go to shortcodes from the Eventin panel and scroll a little. You will see the “Event Frontend Dashboard” Shortcode there. Click on the generate button and a pop-up will be shown on the screen. Copy the shortcode and paste it into the page you need. Save and update the page.

Update User’s Role #

Website owners need to update the user roles to allow the users to submit their events. At this moment, only users with administrator, author, and editor roles are allowed to submit the events. So, the admin needs to define any of the user roles of the users.

Eventin User Role

Once you are done with the given steps, your users are ready to submit the events on your website from the front end.

Important Note: Users (whom you want to allow to submit the event) need to log in with the correct credentials and move the event submission page (the page where the admin added the shortcode). Then users will be able to submit the events.

Submit Speaker from Front End #

For adding a speaker from the front end, go to the Speakers tab. Now, you will see the speaker and speaker group menu. Form here you can add the speaker group first.

Then add the speaker to click on the “Add New Speaker” button and assign the speaker group on your speaker.

After clicking the button, insert the speaker details like Speaker name, designation, email, speaker logo, social information, summary, and category, and click on Create Speaker button at the bottom.

Note: Here the Name,Role and Email Address * fields are the required field. Without filling in this fields, you can’t submit the speaker from the front end.

The Speaker is stored in the front end. You can also edit, view, and delete the speaker if you want.

Submit Schedule from Front End #

To add the event Schedule from the front end, you have to go to the Schedule tab. Now, click on the “Add New Scdule” button in order to get started and submit schedule after inserting the information.

Submit Events from Front End #

Before submission of events, you can create event categories and tags.

Now, add the event from the front end, you have to go to the Events tab. Now, click on the “Add New Event” button in order to get started.

After that, add generic information like the event’s title, event date and time, location and click on Create button.

Now, add the necessary information for your event. Follow the documentation on how to add additional informations of event.

After adding all information, click on the Save and Publish button to publish your event. You can also preview the event using the Preview button.

On this page, you can view every event that has been submitted. Moreover, you also have the option to preview, edit, and update events.

🌟 Front-end view of this event –

an image of the Eventin front end event submitted events preview

The main list of events will also include any submitted events from here(front-end). The website owner can check them from the eventin admin panel.